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Cards Against Humanity Rules

A game known for its humor and irreverence, where players use white cards with phrases to fill in the blanks of black cards containing prompts or questions


Objective: The goal is often subjective, with players determining which combination they find funniest



  1. Ideally played with 4 or more players

  2. Shuffle the white cards deck and each player receives 10 white "answer" cards to start with

  3. Shuffle the black cards deck and one player is chosen as the Card Czar for the first round


Step 1

The Card Czar draws a black "question" card and reads it aloud

Step 2

Other players select a white card from their hand that they think provides the funniest or most fitting answer to the question

Step 3

Players submit their chosen white card face-down to the Card Czar

Step 4

The Card Czar shuffles the submitted white cards, reads them aloud (without revealing who played which card), and selects the one they find most amusing.

Step 5

The player whose white card is chosen by the Card Czar earns a point. The Card Czar then put aside the white cards and black card used

Step 6

Everyone that submitted a white card draws from the white card deck to get back to 10 cards in their hand.

Rotate the role of the Card Czar clockwise, and repeat steps 1-5 for the next round

Step 7

The game typically continues until a predetermined point total is reached or until players decide to end the game

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