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Monopoly Rules

Classic board game where players buy, sell, and trade properties, aiming to bankrupt their opponents by charging rent when they land on owned spaces.


Objective: The goal of Monopoly is to bankrupt opponents by acquiring and developing properties, collecting rent, and making strategic financial decisions.



  1. Monopoly is ideally played with 2 to 6 players

  2. Each player selects a game token and places it on the "GO" space

  3. Each player gets $1500 to start

  4. Place the Title Deed cards, money, houses, and hotels in a central bank as this is where transactions will happen

  5. Players roll two six-sided dice to determine the order of play (order is determined by highest number)


Step 1

On a turn, players roll the two dices, move their token clockwise around the board, and follow the instructions on the space they land on 


For example if the player lands on chance they collect a chance card, if the player lands on community chest card, they collect the community chest card

Step 2

When landing on property, players can buy the unowned properties, pay rent if they land on an opponent's property, build houses or hotels on any properties owned, and collect money when passing or landing on "GO."

  • Housing costs, hotel costs, and rent on opponent's property is determined by the property card

  • When a property is bought, players will receive a Title Deed card from the bank and then place the card face up

Step 3

If a player lands on an unowned property and decides not to buy, an auction begins for the property. We suggest starting the auction at $50 and the players can bid up from there. Any player can bid, including the player that initially decided to not buy the property, highest bidder buys the property 


Step 4

Properties can be developed with houses, once a player has a complete set of properties (a color set).

  • Players must develop properties evenly, meaning the player must build a house on each property within the color set before building the 2nd house on a property

  • Once 4 houses have been built on each property within the set, a player can build one hotel on each property after paying the required cost and exchanging the four houses on the property

Step 5

The game continues with each player rolling dices to move and buying properties and developing it. The game goes on until all but one player goes bankrupt. The remaining player is the winner.

  • Bankruptcy is when a player owes more than they can pay either to another player or to the bank

  • If a player owes another player money, they must turn over to that player all that you have of value (Cash) and retire from the game. All properties will be given back to the bank in exchange for half of the amount paid for them and the cash given will be used to settle debts to players and the bank

Special situation: Mortgage

Unimproved properties can be mortgaged through the Bank at any time in order for a player to get more cash. Before an improved property can be mortgaged, all the buildings on all the properties of its color-group owed by the player must be sold back to the Bank at half price. The mortgage value is printed on each Title Deed card


No rent can be collected on mortgaged properties or utilities, but rent can be collected on unmortgaged properties in the same group. In order to lift the mortgage, the owner must pay the Bank the amount of the mortgage plus 10% interests.


The owner of a mortgaged property can sell to another player at any agreed price. The new owner may lift the mortgage at once if they wish by paying off the mortgage plus 10% interests to the Bank

Special situation: Jail

Landing on the "Go to Jail" space, drawing a "Go to Jail" card, or rolling doubles three times consecutively sends a player to jail


Players can get out of jail in four ways:

  • by paying a fine

  • using a "Get Out of Jail Free" card

  •  rolling doubles on their turn

  • Buying

Special situation: Selling property

Undeveloped properties, railroads and utilities (but not buildings) may be sold to any player as a private transaction for a sum agreed by players. No property, however, may be sold to another player if any buildings stand on any property of that color-group.


If a players wishes to sell a property from a color-group, all buildings  on the property must be sold back to the Bank.

  • Houses and hotels may be sold back to the Bank at any time for one-half the price paid for them

  • All houses on one color-group must be sold one by one, evenly, in reverse of the manner in which they were built

  • All hotels on one color-group may be sold at once, or they may be sold one house at a time (one hotel equals five houses), evenly, in reverse of the manner in which they were built

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