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Scrabble Rules

Scrabble is a word game where players use letter tiles to create interlocking words on a game board, with each letter having a point value. The goal is to score the highest number of points by strategically placing words


Objective: The goal of Scrabble is to create words on the game board, using letter tiles to score points based on the letters' values and premium squares on the board and accumulate the highest total number of points​​



  1. Typically 2 to 4 players.

  2. Each player randomly draws seven letter tiles from the tile bag.

  3. Place the game board in the center and decide who goes first. Turns move in clockwise order


Step 1

The first player places a word on the board, either horizontally or vertically, using one of the tiles in the center square as the starting point

Step 2

The second player (and players after) must play a word that must connect with any existing word on the board and the word can be formed from left to right or top to bottom


In sum, subsequent words must connect with existing words on the board, forming a complete crossword and this applies for each player after

Step 3

After placing a word, players draws tiles to replenish their rack to get back to seven tiles

Step 4

The player scores points based on the letters' values and any premium squares they cover (Double Letter, Triple Letter, Double Word, or Triple Word)


Each player should keep track of their own points

Step 5

During game play, any player may challenge a word that was just played and consult a dictionary. If the word is valid, the challenger loses their next turn; if not, the player who placed the invalid word loses their turn

Step 6

The game ends when all letter tiles have been drawn, and one player uses their last tile or when no more legal moves are possible.


To calculate final points and determine who has the highest score

  • Players subtract the value of any remaining tiles on their rack from their score


Have fun! :)

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