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Sorry! Rules

A classic board game where players move their pawns around the board and get them to the safety zone. The game involves elements of strategy and luck, with players using cards to move and thwart opponents on their way to victory


Objective: The goal of Sorry! is to be the first player to move all four of their pawns from the Start space to their Home space, by drawing and playing cards that allows movement



  1. Typically played with 2 to 4 players

  2. Each player selects a color and places their four pawns on the Start space of the corresponding color

  3. Shuffle the Sorry! cards 

  4. Place the cards face down in a draw pile

  5. Players take turns in clockwise order


Card number cheat sheet:

  • 1: Move a pawn from the start or move forward 1 space

  • 2: Move a pawn from the start or move forward 2 spaces. Player must draw again

  • 3: Move forward 3 spaces

  • 4: Move backward 4 spaces

  • 5: Move forward 5 spaces

  • 7: Move forward 7 spaces or split between 2 pawns of their choosing (e.g. 3 spaces for one pawn, 4 spaces for another).

  • 8: Move forward 8 spaces.

  • 10: Move forward 10 spaces or move backward 1 space.

  • 11: Move forward 11 spaces or switch places with an opponent. If it is impossible to move forward 11 spaces, and there are no opponent pawns on the board, the player will have to switch places with their partner or forfeit their turn.

  • 12: Move forward 12 spaces.

  • Sorry!: Player can save the card for later use, or they can use it immediately. Card allows player to bump an opponent's pawn to the start.


Step 1

On a turn, a player draws a card from the draw pile and follows the instructions on the card.

  • To move a pawn from START out onto the track, the player must draw either 1 or a 2. If it is a 2, player must do as it says, then draw again and move if possible - You can not start a pawn out with any other cards

  • Number cards allow a pawn to move forward the indicated number of spaces, you can also opt to use the 1 or 2 drawn and move pawns forward instead of moving out of Start

  • Slide, switch, or split cards allow special actions

  • If a player draws a Sorry! card, they can either move one of their pawns from Start to a location occupied by an opponent's pawn (sending the opponent's pawn back to their Start), or they can move a pawn forward by the number on the card.

  • Pawns can move forward along the track, and multiple pawns cannot occupy the same space, however you can jump over your own or opponent's pawns

Step 2

Players can capture an opponent's pawn by landing on the same space. When landing on the same space, the opponent's pawn is sent back to their Start space


If a player's only possible move would make them occupy (land) on a space already occupied by another of their own pawn, they forfeit their turn. However if at any time a player must move, and even if disadvantages to them, they must move


Additionally, players may forfeit their move if you do not wish to change places and it is impossible to go forward the X number of spaces required

Step 3

Players can't capture their own pawns and Pawns can't be moved backward unless forced by a card (4 or 10)


Note: If a player has moved a pawn backwards at least two spaces beyond their own Start space, the may on a subsequent turn, move into their own safety zone without moving all the way around the board

Step 4

The first player to move all four of their pawns from Start to Home wins the game. The player must get to Home by the exact count. Once Home, the pawn cannout be moved

Step 5

During game play, if the draw pile runs out of card, shuffle the discards and use them again

Special situations

Slide: Regardless which card sent the player there, any time the player land by exact count on to the triangle at the beginning of a Slide that is not your own color, slide ahead to the end and Bump any pawns in the way - including their own  - back to Start. If the player lands on a slide of their own color, don't slide, they just stay on the triangle


Safety Zone: A player may enter their own color safety zone. Note, no pawn may enter its safety zone by a backward move; however, a pawn may move backward out of its safety zone and on subsequent turns move back into the zone as cards permit 

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