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Werewolf Rules

A party game where players are assigned roles as either villagers or werewolves, and the villagers must deduce who among them is a werewolf through discussion and voting. The game involves bluffing, persuasion, and social deduction as players work to identify and eliminate the werewolves​


Objective: The goal of Werewolf is for the villagers to identify and eliminate the werewolves or for the werewolves to outnumber the villagers. This is a social deduction game that relies on player interaction and bluffing.



  1. 5 or more players and one moderator

  2. Designate a game moderator who will guide the game and not participate as a player. Have the moderator rotate after the conclusion of each game. There's also an app to automate the game moderation

  3. Randomly distribute role cards to players. For 5 players have only one werewolf, if you're playing with 7 or more players, have two werewolves

  4. Place three role cards in the center

  5. The game has two main phases (Day and night), start with the Night phase and the game only goes for one round, however you can adapt it to go multiple rounds

  6. Cheat sheet of roles

  • Essential Roles (Use when playing 5-6 players​)

    • Villager: On the villager team

      • No special abilities, very innocent​

    • Seer: On the villager team

      • May look either at one other player's card or at two of the center cards secretly

    • Robber: On the villager team

      • May choose to rob a card from another player and place his Robber card where the other card was and then the Robber looks at his new card

      • The Robber is on the team of the card he takes, however, he does not do the action of his new role until the next night (if playing multiple rounds).

    • Werewolf: On the werewolf team

      • Werewolves open their eyes and look for other werewolves

      • If no one else opens their eyes, the other Werewolves are in the center.

    • Troublemaker: On the villager team

      • Troublemaker may switch the cards of two other players without looking at those

      • The players who receive a different card are now the role (and team) of their new card, even though they don't know what role they are until the end of the round

  • Roles to include when playing from over 6 players

    • Minion: On the werewolf team

      • After the werewolves acknowledge each other, they put their thumbs up so the Minion can wake up and see who the Werewolves are

      • Minion wants to get themself killed and protect the Werewolves

    • Mason: On the villager team

      • Always put both Masons in the game

      • The Mason wakes up at night and looks for the other Mason. If Mason doesn't see another Mason, it means the other Mason card is in the center

    • Drunk​​On the villager team until he exchanges cards

      • Comes time to wake up at night, exchange the Drunk card for any card in the center, but he does not look at it. The Drunk is now the new role in front of him (even though he doesn't know what that new role is)

    • Insomniac: On the villager team

      • Wakes up and looks at their card (to see if it has changed). Only use the Insomniac if the Robber and/or the Troublemaker are in the game

    • Tanner: Not on the werewolf or the villager team, the goal is to get lynched as a Tanner

      • Tanner dies and a Werewolf also dies, the village team wins too

      • The Tanner is considered a member of the village (but is not on their team), so if the Tanner dies when all werewolves are in the center, the village team loses

    • Hunter: On villager team

      • If the hunter dies, the player he is pointing at dies as well (regardless of how many votes his target receives).

    • Doppelganger​: Recommend not utilizing this card, unless you have to as this character is generally very complicated)


Night phase

  1. During the Night, all players close their eyes

  2. The moderator then instructs the players with special roles sequentially to open their eyes and perform their actions. See below for the order the moderator should announce when players with should perform their actions

    • Werewolves: After acknowledging each other, they should close their eyes again and put their thumbs up 

    • Minion: Once the minion knows who the werewolves are, the werewolves should put their thumbs down and the minion should close their eyes again

    • Masons: After the minion has their eyes closed, the masons should be woken up so they can find each other. After acknowledgment, they should close their eyes again

    • Seer: Once the Masons have their eyes closed, the Seer should be woken up and look either at one other player's card or at two of the center cards secretly before closing their eyes again 

    • Robber: After the Seer has closed their eyes, robber may choose to rob a card from another player and place his Robber card where the other card was. Then the Robber looks at his new card and adopt this new role in the day phase

    • Troublemaker: After the robber eyes are closed, the troublemaker opens their eyes and switch the cards of two other players without them looking or knowing. These players will not know their new roles until the round ends

    • Drunk: After the troublemaker closes their eyes, the drunk wakes up and can swap for any card in the center, but he does not look at it. 

    • Insomniac: Finally, after the drunk, Insomniac wakes up and looks at their card (to see if it has changed)

  3. All role's special powers have been used. The Night phase ends, and the moderator should have all players open their eyes to begin the Day phase

Day phase

  1. The Day phase begins with players discussing the events of the Night and sharing any information they may have learned

  2. After ~5-10min of discussion players vote on a player they suspect to be a werewolf (Werewolves should try to avoid being caught)

  3. The player with the most votes is "lynched" and reveals their role.


Traditionally, the game ends here after a person is lynched and roles are re-shuffled for new game.The Villager team wins if the person lynched is a werewolf or if the tanner is lynched. However, see below for an adaptation of the game

  • If playing with the adaption, players should not reveal the cards except the one that was lynched


Multiple rounds within a game (additional rules)

  1. ​The game can continue until werewolves are lynched or if werewolves outnumber villagers

  2. After the first round of voting above, every player should look at their cards again to see if their roles have changed

  3. After players acknowledged their new role, the night phase should begin and the moderator should instruct players with special powers to wake sequentially, just like in the first round

  4. After all players with special powers have gone, the day phase begin and a new round of voting begins for someone to be killed off

  5. The above steps listed in this multiple round section will then continue to repeat itself until all werewolves are killed or if werewolves outnumber the villagers

  • Werewolf wins if werewolves outnumber the villagers (in the case playing with one werewolf, werewolf win if there is only one villager left)

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