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Clue Rules

Clue is a classic murder mystery board game where players assume the roles of characters attempting to deduce who committed the murder, with what weapon, and in which room


Objective: Players aim to solve the mystery before their opponents



  1. # of players: 3-6

  2. Place all six weapons tokens and characters in the center of the board, each player will pick a suspect to play. Players will use their character and associated color to move around the mansion

  3. Shuffle the suspect, weapon, and room cards separately and randomly select one from each category without revealing them

  4. Place the three selected cards in the confidential envelope. These are the suspect, weapon, and room involved in the murder. Place this envelope to the side of the board

  5. Shuffle the remaining cards together and deal them all out facedown to each player, if the cards don't divide exactly between players, place the two or three leftover cards face-up at the side of the board

  6. Each player receives a pawn representing a character, a detective notepad (Clue sheet - keep this as a secret), and a pencil

  7. Without letting other see, each player must secretly cross off the black clue cards they have been dealt and any leftover cards that are faceup on the table - As your cards are not in the envelope, these cards are not involved in the murder

  8. Your box may include red bonus cards, shuffle and place them at the side of the board for bonus moves, however we recommend leaving them out when playing for the first time to understand the original CLUE game first

  9. Decide who goes first - Everyone rolls the dice, highest roller goes first and then players take turns in clockwise order


Step 1

On a player's turn, they roll two six-sided dice and move their pawn that number of spaces. Players can move vertically and horizontally, forward and back through the corridor, but not diagonally


If a player's token was moved by another player since their last turn, they can choose to stay where they are and ask a question without moving

Step 2

Players can enter a room by landing on its door, players don't need an exact roll to enter a room; if their roll would've taken the player beyond the room, players can finish their move early and stop in the room

Step 3

When in a room, a player must ask a CLUE question about one murderer, one weapon, and the room they've just entered. For example a player can ask: "Was it Plum, with the Wrench in the Garage?"

  • When asking, they must bring the suspect's character token and weapon token being asked about into the room

  • Players can bluff by asking about some of their own cards


Additionally, if a player enters a room with a joining door or secret passage to another room, they can move into the other room at the start of the player's turn without rolling the dice. Players cannot pass through one room and into another or into the corridor on a single turn; the player must stop and ask a question whenever they enter a room

Step 4

The player to the left must be first one to answer the questions. If they have any of the cards asked, they must show one card from their hand secretly to the asking player. They should never reveal more than one card


Note: If a player has multiple suggested cards, they can choose which to show

Step 5

If the player to the left has none of the suggested cards, they can say "they cannot answer" and the question passes left to the next player and so on until the asking player has been shown a card

  • If no-one can shows a card, this probably suggest you figured out which cards are in the envelope

Step 7

Players uses the information gained to mark off possibilities on their detective notepads


Leave the character token and weapon where they are when they are moved by another player. If the character token belongs to another player, they can ask a question on their next turn without moving

Step 8

The game continues until a player is ready to make an accusation


A player can make an accusation on their turn by moving back to the center of the board and then stating out loud the murderer, weapon, and room.

The player then checks the confidential envelope. If correct, they win the game; if incorrect, they must secretly return the cards to the envelope (don't tell others what is wrong) and they are out.


However, the player can still show cards when others ask questions

Step 9

The game ends when a player correctly accuses the murderer, weapon, and room or when only one player remains after all others have made incorrect accusations


Have fun! :)

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